Category: All Book Reviews

November 29, 2021
Morning Star (Red Rising Saga #3) by Pierce Brown

When we talk about character development in literature, this book is the perfect stereotype. It should be the yardstick through which other character development levels in literature are measured.

November 24, 2021
Sins of Empire (Gods of Blood and Powder #1) by Brian McClellan

Events leading up to the climax are just as engrossing as the climax itself. That the author managed to create such unforgettable characters in just a few pages is a testament to the beauty of this book.

November 22, 2021
Toll the Hounds (Malazan Book of the Fallen #8) by Steven Erikson

The ethereal threads of power are almost literally rolling off the pages of the book.

November 19, 2021
Red Notice

What do you want out of an action movie? Guns blazing, car chases, hand to hand combat and a heart-racing plot? If you were on a low budget, Red Notice would deliver on all of these (except for the heart-racing plots). The plot revolves around Nolan Booth, the second-best art thief in the world, who becomes […]

November 14, 2021
Open Water by Caleb Azumah Nelson

This well written prose felt like poetry at some point.  This book describes what a passionate relationship feels like without explicit sex scenes.

November 12, 2021
A Crucible of Souls (Sorcery Ascendant Sequence #1) by Mitchell Hogan

The book is a mixture of The Kingkiller Chronicles and HP, with a touch of Tolkien.

November 10, 2021
The City of Brass (The Daevabad Trilogy #1) by S.A Chakraborty

The author presents the Arabian world and all of its alluring mythology in an attractive manner, all the while adding more than a dose of her own formidable epic-weaving skills.

November 8, 2021
The Shadow Rising (The Wheel of Time #4) by Robert Jordan

The Dragon has been reborn, but the Shadow is equally growing in power. Nynaeve and Elayne go to Tanchico to hunt for Black Sisters, with Nynaeve encountering and dueling one of the Forsaken, Moghedien, in the process. Perrin Aybara has to grow into his new identity as Wolfbrother

November 8, 2021
The Trouble With Peace (The Age of Madness #2) by Joe Abercrombie

It's a real-life lesson in leadership, an allusion to pretentious saviour-Stalins and Christ-Hitlers who believe that they can change the world by breaking it first.

November 5, 2021
Reaper's Gale (Malazan Book of The Fallen) by Steven Erikson #7)

There are a number of connections to be made, between different characters, historical events, peoples, and gods, the deciphering of which proves a puzzling delight for readers.

November 4, 2021
The Bonehunters (Malazan Book of The Fallen) by Steven Erikson

It's conflict on a scale never before seen in fantasy. The sheer scope is staggering.

November 4, 2021
Midnight Tides (Malazan Book of The Fallen #5) by Steven Erikson

There are new characters, histories, mysteries, plots and schemes, and worlds. It's terrifying in its complexity, and you almost heave a sigh of relief when things become a little clearer at the end.

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