The Bloodsworn Saga places a premium on familial relationships, either by blood or oath, and everyone's actions reflect this.
The Bloodsworn Saga places a premium on familial relationships, either by blood or oath, and everyone's actions reflect this.
The organic development of Jyosh and the skills progression is indicative of a well-thought-out plot, especially how training can be completed in a Tel'aran'rhoid-like place.
African Myth is being systematically erased, and Fantasy becoming more 'modern' and cosmopolitan.
Prophecies always find a way of coming to pass, and the inevitable battle between Wizardry and Sourcery finally happens, heralding the apocalypse.
The bloodthirsty deviousness and callousness that came to Rikke and Leo ( I spare no sympathy for him anyway), the kindness that would sometimes peek through Savine's hard veneer - it was just too much for my poor heart to handle.
The parts that stuck out the most for me were the war depictions. Abercrombie writes them so well I felt I was at the front lines - the racing thoughts in the heads of the soldiers as they rush headlong to certain death - it was very detailed and a tad personal.
A Little Hatred reads as an introductory piece into the lives of all the major characters who are youth, straining at the leashes of their guardians, and have been thrust into situations they seem quite unprepared for.
The book is a healthy mash of good meets evil to compromise in the face of a greater evil, love, jealousy, action, and spells. It even features an exposé into hell politics
Our hero's father, Duke Leto, has to move, as per the directive of a sadistic emperor, to a desert planet with his family to oversee the mining of a very valuable spice, a job that was solely the enemy family's.
So rich and striking is the world of adventure he created that it is hard not to compare recent literary works with his. Perhaps he did create the One Book to rule them all.