Out in Greenwood is fun, heartfelt, engaging, and leaves you with that nostalgic feeling of remembering what it’s like to be young and full of possibility.
Out in Greenwood is fun, heartfelt, engaging, and leaves you with that nostalgic feeling of remembering what it’s like to be young and full of possibility.
Unlucky Mel is a quirky, yet serious story about the often difficult road to self-discovery, and how, ultimately, we're responsible for the choices we make.
Critics have lauded We, the Survivors, for its sharp social commentary and emotional resonance, and by the end of the last chapter, you'll see why.
The fact The Bell Jar is written from the first person point of view makes the apprehension and pain more relatable to the reader.
All in all, The Silence Project is a novel with bold aspirations. It meets some of those but falls short in other ways
Choke is about a junkie who drops out of medical school. The reason why he dropped out of med school is not clear, for obvious reasons. But the junkie is intelligent.
Even When Your Voice Shakes tells the story of Naa Amerley, the oldest daughter in a culture where the oldest sets an example for others.
The novel follows Alan, an American salesman who is sent to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to close a deal, a deal that his future likely depends on.
Books like this are what we need to have us reflect on our lives and also adjust wherever we may be lagging.
The story exposed some of the tricks and techniques of the publishing world and how small and sometimes brutal the industry can be.
This book packs a lot into a few hundred pages, with trauma, sexuality, family, identity, political and racial themes threaded throughout the story
Their steadfast acceptance of Charlie, with all his oddities, served as a reminder that true friendship is a safe place to be and a beautiful thing to experience.