The atmosphere within Among The Living is all chills and bad omens, harsh and beautiful landscapes, and claustrophobic and terrifying caves.
The atmosphere within Among The Living is all chills and bad omens, harsh and beautiful landscapes, and claustrophobic and terrifying caves.
The fact The Bell Jar is written from the first person point of view makes the apprehension and pain more relatable to the reader.
The pacing and narrative in The Watchers are fast and thrilling, while the plot is creepy and terrifying.
All in all, The Silence Project is a novel with bold aspirations. It meets some of those but falls short in other ways
The Gunslinger is a work of art written in awe-evoking, meticulous prose combined with magical world-building by a masterclass storyteller.
Leech is a very eerie and somewhat unique storytelling of the beginning of an epidemic from the perspective of a symbiote
Ania Ahlborn's Brother is an atmospheric thriller that's made me think of evil, its effects and consequences, and whether it can be redeemed.
Choke is about a junkie who drops out of medical school. The reason why he dropped out of med school is not clear, for obvious reasons. But the junkie is intelligent.
The writing was Karin at her best and the character development was indeed the most beautiful part of this story.
You know just how satisfying eating a bowl of your favorite meal is? Small by Small is exactly like that, leaving you quite content.
Only a psychologist who has done an in-depth study on human beings could write such a masterpiece of a book.
The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II is unflinching and unwavering in its portrayal and indictment of the evil Japan wrought on Nanking, China.