Tag: brianmcclellan

September 16, 2022
In the Shadow of Lightning (Glass Immortals #1) by Brian McClellan

With his latest book, he's clearly outdone his own freakishly scary-good standards. And, in years to come, he'll be heralded as one of the very elite authors to have ever penned a letter in the genre.

December 16, 2021
Blood of Empire (Gods of Blood and Powder #3) by Brian McClellan

The characters enjoyed the dizzying heights of triumph, often side by side with the despairing depths of defeat.

October 22, 2021
Wrath of Empire (Gods of Blood and Powder #2) by Brian McClellan

There are all-out ferocious pitched battles, strategic maneuverings, individual duels, riots, and a two-person army slaughter.

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