And so begins the chaotic, snark-filled, witchy adventure that is the show Agatha All Along.I loved every second of it, and here’s why.
And so begins the chaotic, snark-filled, witchy adventure that is the show Agatha All Along.I loved every second of it, and here’s why.
While some of the fantasy map generators offer enough customizable options, map designers may need to export the generated images to photo editor apps to perfect them.
Expect more string-pulling and deft puppetering in the White Tower and beyond! The Aes Sedai aren't playing around.
Like any well-developed fictional character, there are several exciting, often polarizing sides to Celaena Sardothien, all of which are worth discussing.
As a warrior, leader, and seeker of honor, Dalinar Kholin's words often carry deep meaning. Here are ten of his top quotes in the series so far:
I’ve been yearning for a fantasy book with witches and The Prince Without Sorrow couldn’t have come at a better time.
The Last Fang of God is a short but fast-paced feisty read with great lessons on the whys of life, living and everything it entails.
The Bloodsworn Saga places a premium on familial relationships, either by blood or oath, and everyone's actions reflect this.
Meet 20 iconic fantasy book characters who’ll steal your heart—heroes, rebels, and legends that define magical worlds
What list of fantasy dragon names would be complete without Smaug, The Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities, the Tyrannical, the Unassessably Wealthy?
For it is in those moments, where the impossible feels real, where the night is alive with danger, and the most terrifying things happen, where we feel the most alive.
In Gatebound, the Illborn convergence draws a step closer, and the Great Power beyond the Gate beckons even more strongly, as their true character begins to take form.