Tyrant’s Throne (Greatcoats #4) by Sebastien de Castell

Estimated read time 2 min read

It’s a shame such a good series has to come to an end, inevitable at it is.

At some point, I thought Greatcoats would extend into a fifth, or even a sixth book, so extensive is the plotline. But as I gradually reached the ending, I realized De Castell was really going to end it, such a pity. At least, we can look forward to more books in the same universe featuring the same protagonists.

Speaking of protagonists, you won’t find a more fun trio in fantasy than Kest Murrowson, Brasti Goodbow, and Falcio Val Mond. Their good humor and bravery in the face of crazy odds are just sweet.

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While the protagonists eventually always win, it’s usually unprecedented. It’s a testament to the writer’s storytelling and plot-twisting skills that he’s able to get his characters into so much trouble and then get them out, all without giving his readers the impression that he’s being overly partial. In other words, the author makes each escape and each victory by his protagonists seem a direct result of their own ingenuity. That’s one hell of good writing, in my opinion!

Greatcoats is a really fine series. You enjoy the characters even more than the story itself. You enjoy the characters so much that any story featuring the protagonist trio is bound to be good, in your opinion.

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Hopefully, the author lives up to his promise to churn out more books featuring our beloved trio.

By the way, thumbs up, Mr. de Castell, thumbs up. For writing a four-book long series that featured zero dull moments, you have my thanks and my admiration.

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