Foundryside (The Founders Trilogy #1) by Robert Bennett Jackson

Estimated read time 1 min read

Another sweet-smelling offering from an ultra-fast rising author.

This book feels a lot like Divine Cities. It’s quoted as epic fantasy, but the magic system is totally urban. Makes for a fine mix though.

If the magic system in Divine Cities was a fine meal, the one in Foundryside is nothing short of an exquisite banquet. It’s so well done.

It’s unique, even though it’s reminiscent of the one in Divine Cities. It’s a story that starts out small and gradually expands as the plot thread takes on more complexity, with an ever-increasing number of twists. It is, in turn, chilling, utterly delightful, and thrilling.

See also  The Demon King (Seven Realms #1) by Cinda Williams Chima

It’s a very easy read. Smooth, straightforward writing without unnecessary bits of complexity. The unique magic system is gradually introduced and slowly built on with the story’s progress. The characters are wonderful. And the cliffhanger promises an even bigger and better sequel.

Highly recommended.

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