the wise man's fear
Theresa IjachiApril 1, 2022

The Wise Man's Fear (The Kingkiller Chronicle #2) by Patrick Rothfuss

”Nothing in the world is harder than convincing someone of an unfamiliar truth.”

I think an unfamiliar truth that would be hard to convince me about is the fact that the third book might never be released. However, I do have a theory that maybe the next book is actually 6000 pages long. That's why it's taking this long, right?

I'm going to put aside my thoughts and theories about the next book and talk about this book for a moment.

This book starts off where book one ended, and it's actually the second day of Kvothe telling the story to the chronicler and Bast. I got to see some stuff happening outside of the story he was telling and got to know chronicler and Bast better.

I love Bast even more now; he's crazy and very entertaining. The chronicler, on the other hand, is calm and thoughtful.

Throughout this book, I kept wondering what happened to Kvothe cause there are obvious differences between the younger Kvothe and innkeeper Kvothe. I am itching to find out what made him so different. I guess I'll find out in the next twenty years when Patrick decides to release the third book to us.

I loved Kvothe for his very spontaneous, crazy, stubborn, and wise personality in the first book, and I'm very glad he got to keep that personality, although he went through a character development, which may have involved evolving into a young casanova.

I could relate so much to him, especially with his love for music.

My music always helped. As long as I had my music, no burden was ever too heavy to bear.

My music has always been the best remedy for my dark moods. As I sang, even my bruises seemed to pain me less.

I've always believed that music could heal a soul, and it's great Kvothe understood that too.

I will admit to preferring the first half of this book to the second half. I loved his adventures at the university, his fights with Ambrose, and I especially love Willem and Simmon, plus Devi, Fela, and Mola. They're amazing side characters to have along, all displaying their own unique personalities. It is truly a shame they weren't in this book more.

I think it's safe to say that I still don't understand Denna.

Locations changed a lot in this book, and I got to see and learn more about other races in this amazing world created by the author.

No man is brave that has never walked a hundred miles. If you want to know the truth of who you are, walk until not a person knows your name. Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass. A long stretch of road will teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet introspection.

I found the Ademre people very fascinating, they were a unique race to read about, and it was cool to get to learn about their culture and hand signatures.

After the author introduced Felurian, I was very excited, thinking the book would eventually involve Faes and a whole lot more magic, but sadly that's not what happened with Felurian. Too bad.

I still find this book's magic system intriguing. I mean, a little voodoo and science? Awesome!!

Can't wait to find out what happens in the third book, OH WAIT, WE'RE NOT GETTING ONE...

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