Greek Mythology meets with world politics in this thriller-young-adult-classic featuring a beloved character and her becoming-a-hero status
Greek Mythology meets with world politics in this thriller-young-adult-classic featuring a beloved character and her becoming-a-hero status
I would recommend this book to people in a slump
One striking thing is the similarity between the writing styles of Gemmell and David Eddings
...Yumeko gets thrusts unexpectedly into a power struggle, prophecy, a potential love interest who happens to be a demon slayer, quest (and side quests), and of course a motley of sidekicks (a ronin, a noble, and eventually a priest and a temple maid)
Never have I ever enjoyed first person POV as much as I did in this book.
Truly, truly enjoyable, this book was. Honestly, I was not eager to start this one, seeing as it's not yet a complete series. But it was a big-name author. Besides, the books I've been reading recently have not precisely been intriguing, so I just decided to give this one a try. And I certainly wasn't […]
Here, the author appears to be more intricate and deliberate in his storytelling, happy to help readers truly understand events in a blow-by-blow manner.
The magic system is amazing
...she leaves no stone unturned in her bid to deliver incisive, accurate, and deliciously exciting Yoruba mytho-fantasy.
The scattergun approach is not even supposed to work, but yet it has. And beautifully so. Just brilliant!
It's an excellent first book in a promising new series
But if you, like me have a taste for the inherently dark, then I advise you to start this journey. It will most certainly be worth it at the end