The novel follows Alan, an American salesman who is sent to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to close a deal, a deal that his future likely depends on.
The novel follows Alan, an American salesman who is sent to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to close a deal, a deal that his future likely depends on.
Books like this are what we need to have us reflect on our lives and also adjust wherever we may be lagging.
This book gave off the feeling of an old English movie even as the characters came alive in my subconscious as I read.
The Black Farm is a refreshing and unique take on purgatory and the afterlife; savage and vicious but full of human carnage, evils, and conceits.
I got a yellow highlighter to mark my favourite quotes, and at some point, I felt that the entire book would be soaking with the yellow ink.
The Grand Biocentric Design is a great read, especially for those not well-read in the scientific concepts the authors discussed to arrive at their conclusion.
It doesn't take you on a long, tedious journey across a desert without a palm tree, but it firmly squeezes you inside a dense jungle.
The story exposed some of the tricks and techniques of the publishing world and how small and sometimes brutal the industry can be.
While reading, you'll see life inside Promise Prep through their eyes, drawing open the shiny curtain of perfection Principal Moore has put up
Here, a young man throws everything about himself up to the world, and I mean everything; the good, the bad, the ugly, and the very ugly
This book packs a lot into a few hundred pages, with trauma, sexuality, family, identity, political and racial themes threaded throughout the story
I absolutely love the portrayal of Witch: she is the all badass, no apologies given-none expected, a professional killer