African Myth is being systematically erased, and Fantasy becoming more 'modern' and cosmopolitan.
African Myth is being systematically erased, and Fantasy becoming more 'modern' and cosmopolitan.
Hi, So monster romance is all the rage right now in the romance world, and this unicorn had to get in on some action. I mean, who cares about regular human peens....we need some monster vitamin D up in this house. I mean, they provide more nutrients for everyone *wink, wink*. The book I will […]
The bloodthirsty deviousness and callousness that came to Rikke and Leo ( I spare no sympathy for him anyway), the kindness that would sometimes peek through Savine's hard veneer - it was just too much for my poor heart to handle.
The parts that stuck out the most for me were the war depictions. Abercrombie writes them so well I felt I was at the front lines - the racing thoughts in the heads of the soldiers as they rush headlong to certain death - it was very detailed and a tad personal.
Every year, each village is required to send a young woman to the Empire's capital - her fate: to be burned alive for the entertainment of the masses. For the last five years, one small village's tithe has been the same woman. Gilene's sacrifice protects all the other young women of her village, and her […]
Hello humans! Do you ever have a feeling that something so good could be a lie, but then it turns out not to be a lie? Well, that's how this book was for me. With every installment, it just kept getting better. Okay time for a fun fact about this Unicorn: I love Japan and […]
So rich and striking is the world of adventure he created that it is hard not to compare recent literary works with his. Perhaps he did create the One Book to rule them all.
There are a number of connections to be made, between different characters, historical events, peoples, and gods, the deciphering of which proves a puzzling delight for readers.
For the first time since Zahrah the Wind seeker, I have discovered another well-researched, thoughtfully analyzed, and planned history in an African Epic Fantasy that I instantly fell into. The different races, their hierarchy, and the impact that had on their lives. It was interesting having a spin on how the world functions without having […]
...Yumeko gets thrusts unexpectedly into a power struggle, prophecy, a potential love interest who happens to be a demon slayer, quest (and side quests), and of course a motley of sidekicks (a ronin, a noble, and eventually a priest and a temple maid)