Freelance writing jobs abound, and, depending on your skill set, you might find yourself working anywhere across the broad fiction-nonfiction spectrum.
Freelance writing jobs abound, and, depending on your skill set, you might find yourself working anywhere across the broad fiction-nonfiction spectrum.
Discover the differences in First-Person Point of View and Third-Person POV, and how each impacts character connection and narrative style.
Like book covers, book titles are often a big factor for bibliophiles when choosing their next read. You're not supposed to judge a book by its cover. But you sometimes do.
Next time you write a thank-you note, reflect on what you are grateful for, and rest assured you’re spelling it correctly!
As a writer looking to pull in readers, making them feel like they're a part of the story, the second person point of view can make a massive difference.
Whether your works belong to the realm of fiction or non-fiction, here are some key steps to help you determine the finer points of how to start writing a book.
Besides, my head is hardly level enough these days for creative winds to blow inside of my cranium. The country is hard, and a man must make ends meet.
Western Fiction of every sort presently has more appeal to the bulk of African readers, not necessarily because of any literary superiority but because of an unwillingness of the former to evolve.