But, if you enjoy such details as much as you enjoy the story, you'll agree that Robert Jordan is the greatest fantasy author of all time.
But, if you enjoy such details as much as you enjoy the story, you'll agree that Robert Jordan is the greatest fantasy author of all time.
Books aren't cheap, and the value of a fair-sized shelf or two will probably keep you watered and fed for a year and a half.
And, to the die-hards who simply read this piece out of curiosity to see if their favorites made the cut, you're free to bash my head (and my pen) in the comments section below.
Polygamy reigns supreme in Umuofia and other neighboring villages, but in the case of titled men, only the first wives are mandated to wear the anklets of their husband's titles.
I will compare the movie and the comic books because, yes, while I liked watching the characters come to life on screen, I did have some gripes with it.
creativity is a self-fulfilling trait; if you tell yourself you're not creative long enough, you'll believe it, let your potential go silent, and then you will become uncreative
If you're going to ignore everything about the original movie/series, why not create new material and build a new fanbase? Proper, isn't it?
A father pawning off his daughter and a king betraying his queen are just hors d'oeuvre to the main course ahead.
If you are like me, who doesn’t like leaving a book halfway, this might be hard, but darling, you have to dump it.
Western Fiction of every sort presently has more appeal to the bulk of African readers, not necessarily because of any literary superiority but because of an unwillingness of the former to evolve.
African Myth is being systematically erased, and Fantasy becoming more 'modern' and cosmopolitan.
Okay, paperback supporters, hold it. That's enough! The eBook team is about to make a grand entrance; let's make way for the Electronic King.