Here, a young man throws everything about himself up to the world, and I mean everything; the good, the bad, the ugly, and the very ugly
Here, a young man throws everything about himself up to the world, and I mean everything; the good, the bad, the ugly, and the very ugly
This book packs a lot into a few hundred pages, with trauma, sexuality, family, identity, political and racial themes threaded throughout the story
I absolutely love the portrayal of Witch: she is the all badass, no apologies given-none expected, a professional killer
The clergyman sounded solemn. His words would certainly cut deep, spoken in a slow, grating baritone that punctuated every consonant and elaborated every vowel.
Their steadfast acceptance of Charlie, with all his oddities, served as a reminder that true friendship is a safe place to be and a beautiful thing to experience.
Nicolas Sparks illustrates the beauty of nature, and some are landmarks in the characters' lives, all of them adding color to the story.
I would advise you to watch the movie separately and enjoy it because it's quite good but not an accurate rendition of the book.
I was heartbroken by how much misery the Jews experienced during the time of Adolf Hilter in the late 1930s. It was extreme misery.
This book explores difficult themes such as complex mother-daughter relationships, death, loss, miscarriage, and depression.
This book is awesome, and I finished it within a day, which was quite impressive by my standards, given that books usually take me a while to finish
I was nodding my way throughout because what I often thought and had trouble explaining to others, Kawakami did in a story.
I found A Lady's Guide To Fortune Hunting quite the delectable read because it checked all the right boxes of what I would typically expect from a historical romance novel set in England