Tag: stevenerikson

January 4, 2022
The God is Not Willing (Witness #1) by Steven Erikson

Despite the Malazans being soldiers and all, they are still compassionate. It reminds me of what they did in Capustan. I was scared that the marines here would be a rip-off of the others, but I was wrong.

November 22, 2021
Toll the Hounds (Malazan Book of the Fallen #8) by Steven Erikson

The ethereal threads of power are almost literally rolling off the pages of the book.

November 5, 2021
Reaper's Gale (Malazan Book of The Fallen) by Steven Erikson #7)

There are a number of connections to be made, between different characters, historical events, peoples, and gods, the deciphering of which proves a puzzling delight for readers.

November 4, 2021
The Bonehunters (Malazan Book of The Fallen) by Steven Erikson

It's conflict on a scale never before seen in fantasy. The sheer scope is staggering.

November 4, 2021
Midnight Tides (Malazan Book of The Fallen #5) by Steven Erikson

There are new characters, histories, mysteries, plots and schemes, and worlds. It's terrifying in its complexity, and you almost heave a sigh of relief when things become a little clearer at the end.

October 12, 2021
The God is Not Willing (Witness #1) by Steven Erikson

Here, the author appears to be more intricate and deliberate in his storytelling, happy to help readers truly understand events in a blow-by-blow manner.

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