Category: Blog

December 21, 2022
The Sandman Volumes 1-2 Comics vs. TV Series

I will compare the movie and the comic books because, yes, while I liked watching the characters come to life on screen, I did have some gripes with it.

September 21, 2022
What Inspires Creative Writing- Dreams, People, and Experiences

creativity is a self-fulfilling trait; if you tell yourself you're not creative long enough, you'll believe it, let your potential go silent, and then you will become uncreative

August 30, 2022
How to Make A Good Movie/TV Reboot

If you're going to ignore everything about the original movie/series, why not create new material and build a new fanbase? Proper, isn't it?

August 29, 2022
A Return to Westeros: Major Talking Points in House of the Dragon

A father pawning off his daughter and a king betraying his queen are just hors ​d'oeuvre to the main course ahead.

July 12, 2022
Overcoming Reader's Block

If you are like me, who doesn’t like leaving a book halfway, this might be hard, but darling, you have to dump it.

April 21, 2022
A Few Words on the Art of Writing

Besides, my head is hardly level enough these days for creative winds to blow inside of my cranium. The country is hard, and a man must make ends meet.

April 21, 2022
Writing African Literature: An Unpopular Opinion

Western Fiction of every sort presently has more appeal to the bulk of African readers, not necessarily because of any literary superiority but because of an unwillingness of the former to evolve.

April 4, 2022
African Myths and Fantasy

African Myth is being systematically erased, and Fantasy becoming more 'modern' and cosmopolitan.

March 20, 2022
The Great Book Debate: Paperbacks vs. EBooks

Okay, paperback supporters, hold it. That's enough! The eBook team is about to make a grand entrance; let's make way for the Electronic King.

March 18, 2022
Do Women Read More Than Men?

Who's more social about their reading, men or women? This is an easy one. You can tell by just looking at bookstagrammers. They are usually women. At least the popular ones are.

March 13, 2022
Stereotypes and Clichés in Romance Literature

Our hero always knows where exactly to touch our heroine to make her see stars. There are always mind-blowing orgasms, and this grade A chemistry sweetens the deal.

March 8, 2022
What Is a Good Plot? What Makes a Good Plot?

Before you try your hand at writing your big story, practice and practice making a good plot. Work on stories that come to you and spend lots of time thinking up new ideas.

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