In Broken, Fatima Bala didn’t create perfect characters but they were perfect in the way they lived their lives.
In Broken, Fatima Bala didn’t create perfect characters but they were perfect in the way they lived their lives.
The raw emotions and ripple effects of the horrendous deeds were palpable throughout the story, making Lightseekers a thought-provoking read.
After centuries of subjugation through colonialism and, more recently, neo-colonialism, African Literature writers owe it to their heritage to tell the most authentic narratives possible.
If you're looking for a book that delves into family, grief, and the impact of social media, Allow Me to Introduce Myself is that book!
A Very Gidi Christmas is a feel-good romance written just in time for the festive season and is bound to leave readers' insides feeling deliciously good.
In Aaanu Ife, Ina's adventure takes her through different shades of her recent past, even as she finds fresh resolve to heal from past traumas.
Nnedi Okorafor found the calling to be a writer of the spectacular and the fantastic after she wrote her first ever story in the pages of a gifted copy of Isaac Asimov's I, Robot
Once upon a time, my idea of a great read was a well-written YA book. At that time, I could relate to those characters, understand them, and live through them vicariously. However, I did hope that more books inspired by African culture and lore would be present in the fantasy genre. It's safe to say […]
Ake Arts and Book Festival 2024 promises to explore rising literary trends and various African narratives in exciting book chats and panel discussions.
In Of War and Ruin, our heroes must ask themselves tough questions, make hard choices, and be exposed to great dangers.
Though the story leaves some elements underdeveloped, the story’s unique blend of folklore and fantasy makes Six Crimson Cranes a standout read.
It bothers me all the time, so today I write this to introduce the world and soon-to-be A Broken People's Playlist readers, to what the book truly contains.